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  New Cardboard Tubes Gig January 

  20 Featuring President Grab Them By The 

  Pussy and Drooling Dueling Cardboard 

  Tubes at the New Way Bar  





















​​​​​​​​​The Cardboard Tubes will be playing on Monday, January 20 at thNew Way Bar.  We will observe Inauguration Day by performing our original anti-Trump anthem, President Grab Them By The Pussy, and will present the premiere of our original instrumental, Drooling Dueling Cardboard Tubes.  The New Way Bar is located ​at 23130 Woodward in Ferndale, MI, north of 9 Mile, and we will be playing in its Comedy Open Mic, which runs from 7 to 10 p.m.  Our performance begins around 9 p.m.  There is no cover.









On some Monday nights, The Cardboard Tubes can be found 

at Butter Dispensary Berkley, located at 2222 W. 11 Mile in Berkley, MI, on the north side of the street, just east of Coolidge, playing at its Open Mic, which runs from 8 to 10 p.m.  Our performance begins around 9 p.m.  There is no cover and all attendees get a free pre-roll.




On an occasional Wednesday night, The Cardboard Tubes can be found at Dessert Oasis, located at 115 S. Main in Royal Oak, MI, south of 11 Mile, playing at its Open Mic, which runs from 7 to 9 p.m.  There is no cover.






The Cardboard Tubes previously played at the now-defunct Berkley Coffee & Oak Park Dry, located at 14661 W. 11 Mile, Suite 500 in Oak Park, MI, about halfway between Greenfield and Coolidge on the south side of the street. performing at its Open Stage between 6 and 10 p.m.



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